Cosmic Transformation
The Cosmic Transformation is a new dimension of healing (developed by Barbara Luetgebrune). It is a completely new, healing method developed to meet today's needs with all its challenges. Transformation works on the whole human being (body, mind, soul) and on his whole life. Nothing needs to be done, analyzed, diagnosed and psychologized. The qualities of love, compassion, tolerance, and respect for man, the world and creation come to the fore again. The cosmic transformation offers the possibility that the life ranges, e.g. Family / partnership, profession / vocation and finance / matter come into the creative unity. We return to the joy of life.
The healing principle
The cosmic transformation is not a healing method, but the whole human being. Through the transformation of its inner reality, its external reality changes. Neither is there any cause for causation-every cause has a different cause-nor directly on the physical body. We receive healing without having to deal with the past; We do not need to analyze, diagnose, psychologize, program. It is not man who heals, but he serves as a mediator, so that healing can take place, which is answered by God. Not only humans but also nature and the environment are involved in the healing process. This requires the means of transformation which make a major contribution to the restoration of the ecological balance.
The treatment takes place as a personal individual session or as a remote treatment. In the case of remote treatment, you will be at home on the agreed date Just relaxed and the healing energy will be transmitted through me over the distance. For this form of treatment please plan about 1 hour.
Book your personal or distance healing session with the Cosmic Transformation here or ask for more information about the next workshop